Saturday, 18 October 2014


Sorry sorry sorry sorry. I have been very negligent to my blog recently.. but trust me when I say I've had the BUSIEST summer of my life. I've hardly even had time to gather my thoughts or even sit down for a glass of vino (which I usually can find time for)!

So, here's a lil recap. In June, July and August, I was travelling around South-East Asia. Anyone who's thinking of going.. GO! There will definitely be some posts in the next few weeks giving some tips and tricks on what to do, see, eat, read and where to sleep. Maybe even some insights into my travel diary, (ey eyy). I will also be posting LOADS of photos as I have so many.. Well I did manage to lose my phone and my camera so the amount of photos I could take was limited. But my best friend (who travelled with me) had a GoPro, and she took plenty on there.

After travelling I then had a loooovely, and v luxurious (compared to Asia) holiday in Spain with my family and a few friends. It was so nice to be pampered after slumming it for 9 weeks! Travelling sounds fun, and it is incredible, but it is so exhausting. Spain gave me the chance to catch up on sleep, put on a few of the pounds that I'd lost (and then some), and generally get back to normal health. And also, to catch up with my family, who I missed unbelievable amounts while I was away.

Getting back to England was a bit of a shock back into reality, as the just before starting my second year back at Newcastle Uni, I did a week of work experience at Mission PR Agency in London. It was amazing, and helped me to properly realise how desperately I want a career in the media. Especially our capital city, because I love it there. Even though the rush hour tube ride is almost unbearable, I'm sure I could get used to it!

So, back to blogging we go!

What did you do this summer? Have you ever been to South-East Asia? Or would you want to go? Let me know if you have any questions!

Amy xi

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