As soon as that extra chill hits the winter breeze, you know your skin is in trouble. Well in my case, a lot of trouble. Ever since I was a baby, I've suffered from eczema, and I hate it. I have it on the inside of my joints, at my elbow and knees, but also on my mouth which is the worst as its so hard to cover. Usually, it gets worse whenever I'm run-down, drinking too much alcohol, and not sleeping enough. But it gets especially worse when its cold.
However, because I get it so often, I have found many many ways at reducing it! Here are some of the products I use!
Clarins HydraQuench Cream-Gel: £27.20
Clinque Moisture Surge: £32
Every morning and night, I use Clinque Moisture Surge, or, Clarins HyraQuench Cream-Gel. They are both hypo-allergenic products, so they don't irritate my skin with un-natural fragrances and chemicals. They are also a great base to wear under your make-up as it protects your skin from drying out throughout the day. Although they may be expensive, they are definitely worth it if you have sensitive skin. Also, you don't need to apply much at a time, so they last for ages!
E45 Shower Gel: £4.40
E45 Ich Relief Cream: £5.29
Savalon: £1.67
Homeoplasmine: £6.00
Hydrocortisone Cream: £3.49
These products are more specific to dealing with dry skin and eczema, but they really do work! In the shower I try not to use shower gel with too much fragrance in them as it can really irritate my arms, so I wash my face and eczema with it, which is so soothing. If you have eczema, you will be able to sympathise with me about how itchy it can get. Even when its red-raw and stinging so much, its so hard not to itch it. And I end up scratching in my sleep! So this itch relief cream is so useful at reducing soreness and stops it irritating you. However, it doesn't last forever, so you end up applying it every 5 minutes.
Savalon is infamous for stopping infection. The week before I was to start uni, my eczema got very bad (probably because I was so nervous). And I got a secondary infection of impetigo. This was because my skin was so run-down that it is so susceptible to catching diseases. If I had been applying anti-bacterial Savalon, I could have prevented it, but it was too late and I had to go on a course of anti-biotics. Fortunately it was gone before I started uni, Thank God!
Homeoplasmine cream is a French made product that I originally found in France, but it can be bought on the internet very easily. I wouldn't say that it is great at treating your eczema, but it does sooth it, much better than Vaseline, as its thicker. And it cures dry skin in seconds!
This brand of Hydrocorisone cream was prescribed to me by the doctor, however E45 have their own version which is just as effective. Its very strong cream, that basically replaces your skin, but don't use it on your face as it can be very harmful. Also, if it is used too often, then your skin would become immune to it, and its doesn't work as well as it should. But if you're really struggling to get to the bottom of curing you're dry skin or eczema, then give it a go! It works.
Johnson's Baby Oil: £1.49
Simple Oil Balancing Facial Scrub: £7.40
Most of my friends end up breaking out in spots and blackheads when they're run down, but I unusually get very dry skin. Therefore Johnson's Baby Oil might seem like an over-reaction, but it really works well at defeating the dryness. It has no fragrancing (as its for very sensitive baby skin) and although it is oil, it isn't too oily and does dry quite quickly. If you apply it just out of the shower then it locks in all the moisture and your skin will stay silky smooth.
However, sometimes it can be too much moisture, and a few blemishes may appear. I have such a weird mixture, as I might have a dry patch right next to a spot. SO annoying. That's where the Simple Facial Scrub comes in. In the shower I give my face a scrub with it, which clears my pores. When I get out of the shower, I splash my face with cold water, to close my pours, making sure that dirt and nasty things in the air stay out. This is when I apply the baby oil, to lock in the moisture.
I hope this helps guys!
Do you have any skin beauty secrets?
Amy xi
Thank you so much for letting me know about this post on my Lush post!! I have got some really good tips so thankyou! I did not know E45 did shower gel! I must pick some up as I can never find a showergel that doesn't worsen or aggravate my exzema, The creams you have too sounded really good especially the itching cream.. I can totally relate and sympathise about the itching! So easy for someone to say 'stop itching! you will make it worse!!' Paaaaah the joys, This post is just what I needed, Looking forward to reading the rest of your posts!!
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Nicola @ Cosmeticsmile-x.com
Hope it works for you! I know exactly how you feel so at least we're not alone haha :) don't worry long comments are great! Xx